First Things First
This here is going to be a blog about coding, programming, software craftsmanship, and creating software in general.
As I am chiefly a .net desktop thick client developer/engineer (we seem to be a dying breed), I will generally write either about c#, the .net Framework, WPF, and related technologies - however, some of what appears here might be more general and can be used more widely.
I am certainly logging this information as some sort of visual memory - I've caught myself googling for the same information again and again, so it seems to be a useful pattern to log whatever I've learnt so that I can find it easily again (web pages have a tendency to disappear when you need them the most). I will try to add some links to where I originally found the relevant information to credit my sources, but I will certainly try to sum up the topics so that no further reading should be really necessary.
I am fairly certain that this is not going to be one of the regularly updated tech blogs. My work is generally not that interesting, and blogging is by no means the main activity for me. Nevertheless, whenever I come across something I feel I should have here I'll try to add it.
Comments are encouraged, do challenge my methods if you feel like, alternative approaches and other novel ideas are more then welcome.
So, without any further ado, let's get this thing started...
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